
Saturday, November 12, 2011

UFC Champion Vitor Belfort's Christian Testimony

If you look to the side of the screen, I have a list of Christians. I feel very fortunate today to be able to add Vitor Belfort to that list. The UFC has grown into a legitimate sport over the last fifteen years, and many have the perception that, because of its violence, the fighters are ruthless animals. Praise God that I have the opportunity to show how it is wrong to judge people prior to knowing their story and what is in their heart.

Vitor Belfort is from Brazil. I think many Christian Americans have a pre-judgemental perception of "foreigners" and how they believe in God. Not all, but some. Vitor tells us his story, about how he rose to fame at 19, and how that instant leap to fame did not immediately translate toward a strong relationship with God. No, his story is truly heart breaking, and one I think few of us can relate to.

Enjoy Vitor's Christian testimony. God blesses everyone, regardless of faith or not.

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